Tuesday, March 17, 2015

So I wanted to continue with the educational videos, but I have been both busy and sick. Being busy with finals in two classes caused me a lot of stress, and then I had to help with some health issues for two people in my family. So, all that to say, I have been out of commission. I did make a couple of videos showing the effects of going out to some scented places, and I will put those up soon. But for now, I thought I would put up the very first video I ever made. This was a persuasive speech I wrote for one of my college classes. Because I didn't come on campus to give my speech I had to do it in front of an audience of at least three people, hence the heavy movement at first showing my "audience." Please forgive the number of times I say "UM" in the video, I was nervous. In fact, I have created an "Um-a-thon" on my Go Fund Me site, so if you are interested, please check that out as well, here. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Here is my contribution to the #Dear Me thing going on today.