Monday, July 27, 2015

Day One Update: After the Dr. Visit

Well, day one is over. My appointment was for this afternoon and we got there a bit early. We had a short wait in the very cool (temperature) and very unscented waiting room. It was amazing! I met with the patient coordinator, Sue, and she took us back to be roomed. Sadly, that part of the clinic was very hot since the air conditioner was broken. After having my vitals taken we were taken back to the exam room to meet Dr. Rea and his assistant Trep. It was a little warm, as the room was small and there were four people in there. By the time we were done, my hair was wet from sweat, and my face was really red. The Dr. even remarked about it, and I explained that it always gets red when I am hot.

I was asked a LOT of questions, and it was amazing to hear Dr. Rea asking questions in the way he did. It was like he already knew the answers. I guess that he did. He asked me to stand on my tip-toes, and then do it with my eyes closed. Then he asked me to walk a straight line, and then do it with my eyes closed. I was so glad my son was with me there, as I needed someone to steady me, and Dr. Rea (just turned 80) is very frail. John was able to really contribute to the conversation regarding my symptoms and reactions as well.

I think the most validating thing was the conversation we all had later. I really feel like I now have this whole wonderful team of people on my side. They believe me when I talk about my reactions. They shook their heads when we talked about how I have been scorned by other health care professionals. They knew what I wanted to accomplish and I was able to talk openly about that with them, and not feel any shame about needing extra help. Dr. Rea understood that I am on a budget and only ordered a few tests, but they will be key. So tomorrow I go back in the morning and we start the testing. Bloodwork first and then the skin testing. It also looks like I won’t be here the full week, but that all depends on how I do with the testing tomorrow. Each person is different, and how long it takes depends totally on how my body reacts to the substances. Sue mentioned something about Thursday. I know it won’t be tomorrow. But Wednesday would be nice. We shall see. I am already calling tomorrow “The Day of the Needles.” Your prayers are appreciated. I will try to update tomorrow again. And perhaps upload some video and pictures from the road. Thanks for supporting me! I do appreciate it.

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