Saturday, February 7, 2015

Hi and welcome to The Girl in the Bubble, a blog about what it is like living with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and all that entails. I hope to talk about my day to day life, my Go Fund Me campaign trying to raise the money for me to get to a medical specialist in Dallas in just a few weeks, as well as some videos showing what MCS does to me. Just the title of the disorder alone sounds like I am just "sensitive" like I break out in a little rash or something. I wish that was all there is to it. The name is very misleading and there is talk within the MCS community of changing the title to something else, but that is a post for another day. For now, please take a moment to go to my fundraiser where you can read all about what happened to bring me to this point, and how we are doing on the fundraiser. (The link is below my name.) More to come, soon!
God bless you and yours

1 comment:

  1. Hi I found your site looking for information on cob-building. I read a post on a forum that you wanted to build a cob house. Have you found any information on it or talked to anyone in SW Missouri? I'm in Springfield. If you are still interested in something like that, you might like to visit Dancing Rabbit eco village. They have many straw and cob structures.
